Why You Should Not Ignore A Toothache

Pain tolerance is relative to a person. Some people may be able to tolerate a toothache until the tooth dies and falls off without having some major interruptions in their daily activities both in their personal and professional lives. For most people, a minor pain will prompt you to visit a dentist. Emergency Emergency Dentist Mandurah receives patients daily for all levels of tooth-related pain. Endurance is generally positive, but it is not encouraged when we are talking about oral health.

Waiting when symptoms are so severe prior to seeing a health professional can have irreversible effects on your body and overall well-being. Even a symptom as simple as a toothache must be addressed correctly by a dentist, so it does not cause other major problems involving vital organs in your body.

Toothaches are mostly due to a cavity or tooth decay that has reached the sensitive nerve endings. When those nerve endings are compressed by infection and subsequent inflammation, they transmit the sensation of pain to your brain. Toothache is a sign that the infection and damage to your dental tissues are extensive, and the only options are to either extract it or opt for a root canal to save the tooth. Both procedures will require some degree of tolerance to pain and some dimes in your pocket as well.

In cases of lesser severity, toothaches may be preceded by sensitivity. This is usually a lingering discomfort when drinking or eating hot or cold beverages. Sensitivity is an early sign of advancing tooth decay. If you go to the dentist soon enough, all it will take is a simple filling procedure that will save you from all the pain and the expensive root canal and tooth extraction if you decide to delay treatment.

Inflammation and infection occurring in the oral cavity must be treated with urgency because they can lead to infectious conditions of the heart, which are more fatal and much more difficult to treat. The bacteria in your oral cavity can enter the bloodstream if left untreated and can end up in the soft tissues lining the insides of your heart. It can also lodge into the heart valves and cause what is commonly known as rheumatic heart disease.

Our bodies will give us warning signs before it goes into chaos. You must listen and be attentive to these warning signs, no matter how little or simple, so you can save your self from disability and disease.